The 32nd Flax Trust / America Washington DC Banquet Breakfast
The 32nd Flax Trust / America Washington DC Banquet Breakfast took place on 22nd November 2022 at the Hay Adams. Co-Chaired by James Boland, Chairman & CEO Boland, Chair Flax Trust / America and Mike McCurry Director / Professor Centre for Public Theology Wesley Theological Seminary / Director Flax Trust / America.
Brief reports: –
SSEI / School for Social Enterprises in Ireland – Mike O’Neil, K & L Gates LLP, Director Flax Trust / America
UCIT / Community Finance Group Ireland – John Hanley, AFLCIO-HIT, Director Flax Trust / America.
Flax Trust Education Outreach – Elaine Burns, Chair ABC Health & Leisure Trust / on screen.
Honourees: Hon. Mick Mulvaney, former White House Chief – of – Staff & Ambassador & Special Envoy to Northern Ireland.
Kelly O’Donnell, Senior White House Correspondent NBC News.
Hon. Marty Walsh, United States Secretary of Labour.
Comments invited from: – Hon. Geraldine Byrne Nason Ambassador of Ireland to the United States; Nicolas Alton, Political Counsellor, British Embassy & Andrew Elliot, Director / Counsellor N I Bureau’
Fr Myles Kavanagh C.P. Founder / Chair of Flax Trust Belfast addressed both N Y and D C gatherings / on screen. Sr Mary Turley presented Flax Trust Awards and thanked sponsors / guests.

Washington DC 2022 honorees. Hon. Marty Walsh, U.S. Secretary of Labor; Kelly O’Donnell, Senior White House Correspondent NBC News; Hon. Mick Mulvaney, Former White House Chief of Staff and Ambassador and Special Envoy to Northern Ireland, with Jim Boland, Chair Flax Trust/America; Mike McCurry, Director Flax Trust/America; Jim Quinn, President Flax Trust/America and Sr Mary Turley, Flax Trust.