The 33rd Flax Trust/America Luncheon
The 33rd Flax Trust/America Luncheon took place on Wednesday, October 11th 2023 at The Links Club.

Honourees Colin Davidson, Contemporary Artist & Chancellor Ulster University, Tania Tetlow President Fordham University.and John Greed Chairman, President & CEO Mutual of America

Honourees Colin Davidson, Contemporary Artist & Chancellor Ulster University, Tania Tetlow President Fordham University and John Greed Chairman, President & CEO Mutual of America with Flax Trust Directors John Kelly, Tom O’Brien, Sr Mary Turley, President Jim Quinn and Andrew Elliott, Director/Counsellor, NI Bureau, Helena Nolan Consul General of Ireland and Paul Bartholomew Vice Chancellor and President Ulster University
12pm Noon: Cocktail Reception/music
Tom O’Brien Chairman, President & CEO Sterling Bancorp/Director Flax Trust America chaired the Luncheon.
Tom O’Brien welcomed guests and invited Rev. Fr. John Anderson Vice President, Mission Integration Archdiocese of New York to give the invocation.
Tom O’Brien introduced video A History of The Flax Trust and message from Fr Myles Kavanagh C.P. Founder / Chair Flax Trust
Niall Murray President, Rockabill Development LLC, Director F/T America gave a brief report on UCIT/Community Finance Group Ireland
Anne Marie Moriarty, Real Estate Broker, Brown Harris Stevens, President Sales LLC, Director F/T America gave a brief report on the School for Social Enterprises in Ireland (SSEI)
Tom O’Brien introduced honoree Colin Davidson, Contemporary Artist, Chancellor Ulster University. Sr. Mary Turley presented Flax Trust Award.
Tom O’Brien invited Jim Quinn, President Emeritus Tiffany & Co, President Flax Trust / America to introduce honoree John Greed, Chairman, President & CEO Mutual of America. Sr. Mary Turley presented Flax Trust Award.
Tom O’Brien invited John Kelly, CPCM Managing Partner Hanover Stone Partners, LLC, Director F/T America to introduce honoree TaniaTetlow, President Fordham University. Sr. Mary Turley presented Flax Trust Award.
Tom O’Brien invited remarks from:
– Helena Nolan, Consul General of Ireland
– Ben Brierley, Senior Policy Adviser for Politics, Prosperity & Economic Policy, British Consulate
– Andrew Elliott, Director/Counsellor Northern Ireland Bureau
Sr Mary Turley thanked bursary sponsors and guests.
1.50 p.m. Tom O’Brien drew the proceedings to a close.
2:00 p.m. Programme ended.